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April 2, 2014

Tips to Make Exercise Easier

We all struggle to get off the couch and try to keep fit. Here are some simple tips to help you maintain a healthy exercise routine:

1) Try the five minute rule:

Don’t feel like exercising when it comes time? Tell yourself you’ll do it for just five minutes, and then see how you feel. By then you’ll likely decide to continue.

2) Think hygiene:

Think of exercise as something you’re going to do every day as part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth.

3) Make a date:

Plan to meet a friend to go for a walk or do another activity. You’ll be more likely to exercise if someone is counting on you to join them.

4) Choose activities you enjoy:

The best exercise is the one you actually do, so try different activities until you find the one you like. Even if you loathed that long ago attempt at cross country skiing, give it another go – you may find with today’s cold weather gear, it’s actually fun for you!

5) Hum a tune:

Studies have shown that with music and rhythm, people performed exercises more smoothly. They expended more muscular effort and reported that the exercises felt less strenuous.