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Grandparent Giving Shoulder Ride

The SRA health and dental plans are group plans, where you have the advantage of joining with the other 6000 lives insured by the plan. With a group plan, all premiums and claims are pooled together to help stabilize the plans and work to ensure they remain affordable to members.

The SRA health and dental plans are not age related nor do they have an arbitrary end date based on your age. If you are a couple and one partner passes away, the coverages can pass directly to the surviving partner without interruption for continued coverage.

Retirees that may have joined other plans (Canada Life, Sun Life, 3S Health, etc.) can transfer into the SRA plans without medical evidence as long as the transfer is within two years since your retirement, and you are younger than age 70 years. If these limits don’t match your situation, you will need to complete a medical questionnaire as part of your enrolment request.

GMS Pay-Direct card to include Health and Vision!

GMS is joining the TELUS eClaim network.

Download the PDF to learn more

Older man smiling at female optometrist during eye exam

Need additional travel insurance?

Need additional travel insurance coverage for a longer trip? You can top up the travel medical coverage included in your SRA health plan with TravelStar ® Insurance from GMS.

Learn more about TravelStar

Mature couple at airport with luggage