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Our Vision

Providing leadership to enhance the interests and wellbeing of Saskatchewan public sector retirees.

Our Mission

A volunteer led, non-profit organization of current and retired Saskatchewan public sector employees, working together to improve the quality of the lives of our members.

SRA - Retirement Options Meeting

Our Values


Acting with openness and honesty.

Open Communication

All members are encouraged to openly share their opinions and view.


Working together building relationships to create value for the members.


Treat members with mutual respect and value their contribution.

Passion for Results

Pride, enthusiasm and dedication in everything we do.


Dedicated to satisfying member needs and honouring commitments made to them.


Supportive of each other’s efforts to meet our shared goals.


Accepting responsibility for one’s actions

SRA Board of Directors for 2024-25

Harold Hugg

Ken Lozinsky
Vice President

Chris Oleson

George Meredith

Members at Large

Brian McKay

Shane McLellan

John Mowbray

Beatrice Regnier

Mae Smith

Bill Thomson

SRA Announces Honorary Lifetime Members

The SRA Bylaws include a provision for Honorary Lifetime Members. The following members have received this award for their service to the SRA:

Rolli Bachelu

Roland (Rolli) Bachelu has provided invaluable service to the SRA with his tireless efforts to build a reliable membership database and tracking/communication process for the many members. He has been involved at the Board and Committee level for over twenty years, taking on the challenge of rebuilding the member roster after part of the history was lost. Rolli has also served as a mentor to several Committee and Board members that continue to serve the SRA in various capacities. An avid sportsperson, Rolli continues to be active, vibrant and involved with his contagious passion and energy.

Marian Brown

After many years of service to the Ministry of Health, it was a natural transition for Marian to join the SK Retirees Association Board of Directors and continue her contribution to improve others’ lives. Through her involvement at the Board and the Group Benefits Committee, Marian demonstrated her compassion, dedication and future focused thinking to assist the success of the SRA.

Jack Kloczko

Jack retired in the mid 1990’s after a career in both the cooperative system and the public sector. Jack volunteered with the SRA, where he spent time contacting members that were in arrears in paying their membership fees.  Most of these fees were collected due to his diligence and persistence.  This was done over several years. Jack was also involved with the Group Benefits Committee in process of reviewing tenders sent to various insurance companies. Eventually, the SRA continued its relationship with GMS. He was involved in negotiations with GMS to establish a marketing commission for the SRA. Jack was always involved in the planning for the Annual General Meeting to ensure members had a positive experience while meeting to discuss the business of the organization.

Frank May

Frank May spent 35 years working for the people of Saskatchewan in various positions related to Education, Science and Technology in Prince Albert, Saskatoon and Regina. With his retirement in 1987, Frank soon found another opportunity to continue his contribution to Saskatchewan. As part of the Saskatchewan Government Superannuates Association, which later was renamed the Saskatchewan Retiree Association, Frank began a lengthy period of successful volunteerism. His contributions to the SRA are many, with years as a director, committee member and through his stewardship of the financial operations of the organization. Frank served as the Treasurer/VP, Finance for over a decade where he managed the operations with care and diligence as the SRA membership expanded, and the Board of Directors began to transition to new leaders. With changing times, Frank continued to participate, helping new directors understand the mandate of the SRA and reminding many of the view of the founders from 1975. He has served as a leader, mentor and counsellor to ensure that the direction and purpose of the SRA stays focused on the needs of all members across Saskatchewan. While Frank chose to step back somewhat in 2020, he continues to be an able historian that can be relied upon for advice, ideas and good humour as he always has the interests of SRA close to his heart.

Jack Peterson

With a background of service in Executive Government, Jack has been actively involved in the continued development and modernization of the SK Retirees Association. His leadership at the Board level and in chairing the Group Benefits Committee ensured that the current benefits plans remained relevant and continued to meet the needs of the many retirees of the provincial public sector.

Linda Tate

Linda has served as part of the SRA for an extended period as a member, including serving on the Board of Directors in the early 2000’s. She is very involved in the labour movement through SGEU and the SK Federation of Labour. Linda is an activist that cares deeply for the rights and concerns of workers in Saskatchewan. Through her service she has participated at many levels in organizations interested in the well being of older adults. Linda has often played a role less visible, but equally effective in ensuring that her views were well known and understood. Linda is a tireless worker whose contribution is worthy of consideration as an honorary member of the SRA.

Bob Walker

Robert (Bob) Walker has served the SRA for many years, both as an active member and as part of Committees and the Board of Directors. He was a key leader, working behind the scenes in the development and introduction of the SRA Health Plan, key to the continued success and funding of the Association. Bob has a keen sense of history and is aware that the foundational members are now fewer, so has made efforts to pass on the history and documents to a new generation of leaders. Never afraid to ask a question and complement, Bob’s contribution has been significant the success of the SRA.

Alf Zimmerman

Alf’s involvement with the SRA is marked by a legacy of achievements. His involvement in launching the SRA Health and Dental Plan was important but his landmark achievement was the success in getting partial indexing for public sector pensioners so they would have some protection for their future incomes. As a member of the Board, including Board Chair for over 10 years, Alf has left an indelible mark on the Association. He also was instrumental in recruiting future leaders so the organization would continue to thrive and succeed. His determination is well known, unafraid to ask the hard questions and drive for the results he believed were important, even when it was less politically acceptable to follow a certain style and direction. His long-term contribution set the stage for the SRA that continues to attract members in record numbers.