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August 1, 2017

SRA Member Survey – Success

THANK YOU to the 834 members who participated in the 2017 member survey!!

We really appreciated your input, ideas and responses to the questions that we asked you. Based on your views, the SRA will have information to guide our planning, communications and programming over the coming years.

We had not done a full member survey since 2002 where about 400 members responded, so the 17% response rate from you was very good. We also got updates for 270 members’ status as part of the survey.

For the 131 members that had questions, concerns or compliments, we will get back to you over the coming weeks on an individual basis to attempt to respond and provide the requested information.

Please watch this space in the coming weeks for more details from the analysis of the survey responses as well as a major article in the 2017 spring issue of “The Advisor” newsletter!

More to Come!!