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March 19, 2018

PST Removed from Insurance Premiums in Saskatchewan

Newly elected Premier Scott Moe has announced that PST that had been applied to insurance premiums has been rescinded. They were introduced as part of the provincial budget in March 2017.

For SRA members enrolled in the SRA Health and Dental Plans, PST has been added to the GMS premiums effective August 1, 2017 to February 2018. GMS has removed the tax effective March 1, 2018.

The SRA has been in contact with GMS to see how the premiums that had been collected between August and February (7 months at 6%) will be refunded to affected members. GMS has been in contact with the Ministry of Finance to determine how this will be handled and talks are continuing to sort out the best way to handle the refunds.

As we learn more about the reimbursement process, we will update you so that you are informed about the process and timing.

We appreciate your patience during this period of change.