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September 13, 2013

AGM June 20, 2013

Saskatchewan Retirees Association Inc.

Annual General Meeting Minutes

June 20, 2013

SGEU Hall, 1440 Broadway Avenue, Regina, SK

1. President Alf Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 11:02 a.m. and chaired the meeting. A copy of the Annual Report containing the President’s and Committee Reports was available to members. A welcome was extended to all members in attendance.

2. Motion to accept the agenda by Gordon Russell. CARRIED.

3. Motion to approve meeting minutes from June 21, 2012 AGM by Marian Brown. CARRIED.

4. President’s Report – Alf Zimmerman

  • Alf highlighted items from his report as found on page 9 of the Annual Report handout. This is our 38th AGM. Membership was invited to stand in respect of those members that have passed-on since the last AGM. Our main thrust this past year was to get our pension straightened out, but we did not get back pay from the Govt. or any assistance with our medical and dental benefits. We did, however, get indexing at 70% of the Sask. Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all members into the future. We spent approx. $750,000 on legal fees for our court case, but with the indexing clause, members have already received about $10 million.
  • We are trying to gear our organization for new plan (PEPP) members to join, as retires that are in the old plan (PSSP) are dwindling. We would like all existing SRA members to try and bring in new retirees and new ideas for our organization.
  • The Health Program drug costs are going up and bringing in new members from other organizations in the public service will increase our revenue. We’ll go over our Bylaw proposal dealing with this matter later.
  • SRA committee has developed a proposal to be presented to the Minister of Health regarding dispensing fees for seniors, etc.
  • The Quo Vadis document that was given out a few years ago asked members for ideas in directing our organization into the future. Members mentioned social activities, tours, coffee gatherings, movie night, etc., but as always, who will volunteer to organize the activities?
  • Alf thanked all existing board members and introduced each: Roland Bachelu, Randy Dove, Charlotte Dusyk, Jack Kloczko, Frank May, Chris Pasloske, Jack Peterson, Ron Reavley, Bob Gawley, Marian Brown, Martin Wrubleski, and Graham Tuer, who will be here later.

Linda Tate rose from the floor and thanked Charlotte Dusyk for sending out emails to members about the meeting. Linda also mentioned that she attended the Sask. Senior Mechanism meeting where Dustin Duncan, Minister of Health, was in attendance. She questioned whether SRA had a member in attendance at the meeting. Alf replied that no one attended.

Fran Passmore said she attended, but noted that SRA should consider sending a representative to next year’s meeting.

A comment came from the floor by Judi Kehler about how few members were in attendance here today compared to the last few year’s meetings when our court case was prevalent.

  • Alf moved his report be received. CARRIED. The meeting continued with Committee reports.

5. Auditor’s Report and Financial Report – Frank May

  • As of December 31, 2012 we were still engaged in our legal case and we didn’t conclude with the Appeal Court until January 23, 2013 and that’s why we still had a considerable amount of funds showing.
  • Question from the floor: Will any cash be transferred from this excess amount and invested? Yes, Frank and Alf will be doing this in the upcoming week.
  • Frank moved acceptance of The Auditor’s Report and his Financial Report. CARRIED.

6. Membership Committee Report – Randy Dove

  • Randy thanked Rolie Bachelu for helping him learn the membership process.
  • An upgrade to the SRA website will be complete in the fall; a big thank you to Dan Spott and James Burton for their contributions to the existing website over the years.
  • Randy moved acceptance of his Membership report. CARRIED.

7. Group Benefits Committee Report – Jack Peterson

  • Committee was introduced and thanked for their work: Frank May, Alf Zimmerman, Jack Kloczko, Martin Wrubleski, and Marian Brown.
  • Jack noted that his report under Extended Health Age Band for the year it should say Dec 12 not Dec 31; and in the Dental Option Age Band for the year it should say Dec 13 not Dec 31
  • Now that the SRA membership dues are included in the Benefits premiums, we do not have to contact members who have not paid up and it also ensures that no contracts lapse due to unpaid SRA dues.
  • Membership in the plan is at 1177; highlight is that prices went down 11% for health and 2% for dental.
  • Question from the floor – Judy Kehler: can you join dental without health? Jack replied No.
  • Jack moved acceptance of his Group Benefits report. CARRIED.

8. Policy Committee Report – Ron Reavley

  • Ron indicated that the committee makes recommendations to the Board on questions that have been directed from the Board and acknowledged the leadership of Alf
  • Ron moved acceptance of his report. CARRIED.

9. Public Relations/Communications Report – Chris Pasloske

  • Chris noted that the focus on the past few years was the court case and we tried to direct funds for legal costs rather than sending out paper documents and incurring mailing costs.
  • Chris reminded members that electronic communication is the most cost effective way of informing our members. If you do not have a computer and are able to go to the library, visit our SRA website for up-to-date communication at

10. Space/Equipment Report

  • As there is no Chairperson, Alf reported. We continue to rent the suite on 29th Avenue as it serves our needs and is more cost effective than renting office space.
  • Alf moved acceptance of the report. CARRIED.

11. Alf introduced the Bylaw documents with proposed amendments.

  • Copies of the existing Bylaws were not made due to the cost of reproduction, but sections with proposed changes are as follows:

i. Our name changed to Saskatchewan Retirees Association Inc. on June 8, 2004

ii. The word “members” replaces “Superannuates” throughout the new document.

iii. Section 2 (1) (b) provides for SRA to get additional members from other organizations that have linkage to government, as we deem appropriate. This keeps pricing for the Benefits package to a minimum.

Question from the floor – Mae Smith asked if (b) or (c) is referring to a group or a person that could be accepted. Alf indicated it refers to both. Mae volunteered to assist with clearing up the wording as she has worked on creating numerous bylaws for other organizations.

Comment from the floor – there are spelling errors and the sequential numbering is incorrect in various parts of the document. Errors were acknowledged and will be corrected.

iv. Under the Membership section, Membership Fees, 5 (2) is new.

v. Under Annual Meeting of Members – 7 (1) it used to say April or May but now says June

vi. Vacancy Among Board – 16, is a new section indicating that any Board Member who is absent from 3 consecutive or 4 meetings in a year shall be excused from future Board member activities.

vii. Appointment of Committee Chairperson and Members – 22 (7) is a new item to disallow any member from receiving an honorarium. However, rates will be paid to members for qualifying expenditures at the current Govt. of Sask. rate.

Motion from Mae Smith: That the Board of Directors will elect their Executive Committee at their first Board Meeting following the AGM. CARRIED.

Motion from Mae Smith: The proposed Bylaw changes be placed on the SRA website indicating the current bylaw and the proposed changes. Seconded by Marian Brown. CARRIED.

12. Elections of Officers

  • Five vacant positions exist and Randy Dove moved the following slate of candidates:

Roland Bachelu, Linda Clark, Ken Lozinsky, Frank May, Alf Zimmerman.

  • Alf called for any further nominations from the floor. Alf called again for any further nominations from the floor. Martin Wrubleski moved the nominations cease. CARRIED. ELECTED.

13. Acknowledgments

  • Alf acknowledged all members of the Board, Dan Spott for keeping the website going, and a welcome to all new members.

14. Discussion from the floor – Linda Tate informed the members of a Govt. of Sask. program for seniors called the Seniors Home Security Program. It provides low income seniors (less than $35,000 net income) or break-in victims with free safety assessments and free home safety improvements installations such as dead bolts, door viewers, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and smoke alarm batteries. She has a few pamphlets, but more information and an application form are available by calling 1-855-787-0001. She also suggested putting the information on the SRA website for all members to view.

  • Linda Tate also suggested the SRA network with other senior organizations like the Alberta Seniors United Now society, and asks members what other organizations SRA should be made aware of.

15. Jim Sandercock moved to adjourn the meeting. CARRIED.